The Stevens, Taylor, Verdier, Korboi, Dorbor, Munyeneh  and Kpatakolie families are sad to announce the passing of their Sister, Mother, Aunty, Grandmother and Grand Aunt, Ms. Viola Kolu Stevens of Zorzor, Lofa County, in her 84th year. 

This sad event occurred on December 7th, 2022 in Albany  NY, USA, following a brief period of illness. 

She leaves to mourn her loss , four (4 )Children – Joseph Barney Taylor, Hon. Reginald K. S. Taylor, Felicia Korpo Taylor-, Ophelia Taylor 

eight (8 )grandchildren, four(4) great grandchildren and a host of other families including her sisters, Mrs. Famatta Dorbor, Ms. Nancy Stevens, Ms. Geneva Stevens, Ms. Kebbeh Kayea Stevens; her brother Mr. Aloysius Stevens ; and a host of nephews  and nieces including Clr. James Nyepan Verdier, Jr.

Funeral Arrangements will be announced later.  Family meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, December 18,2022 at the Hon. Reginald K. S. Taylor resident located in RLWA, RIA Highway, Opposite PetroTrade, Gas station at 3:00pm

This Announcement was brought in by Aloysius Stevens, Hon. Reginald K. S. Taylor and Clr. James Nyepan Verdier Jr., brother, son and nephew respectively, on behalf of the families.

Write to Reginald K. S. Taylor

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