Frank Sainworla Receives Philip N. Wesseh Print Journalism Award
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MONROVIA-A renowned Liberian journalist and adjunct faculty in the Department of Communication and Media Studies (formerly Department of Mass Communication) of the Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Liberia, Mr. Frank Sainworla has received a Certificate of Recognition as the winner of the Philip N. Wesseh Academic Excellence Print Journalism Award introduced at Amos C. Sawyer College.
The award was presented to Mr. Sainworla by the President of the University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo Nelson on Tuesday during the Prof. Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities annual academic recognition and Honoring Program held at the UL Fendall campus.
The award is in memory of Philip N. Wesseh, icon of print journalism in Liberia. The late Wesseh was a true leader in print journalism and a professional journalist with high respect for fair, balanced, and accurate journalism.
Mr. Sainworla was recognized by the Dean of the College; Prof. Dr. Josephus M. Gray on Monday, 29 May during the University’s 103rd combined Convocation ceremonies of three colleges.
The award is intended to uphold the legacy of an illustrious Liberian journalist and icon of print journalism. Prior to his inevitable demise, Mr. Wesseh practiced as a professional journalist for over 40 unbroken years and rose from reporter to Managing Editor.
Dr. Gray informed the audience that Mr. Sainworla was recognized for his valuable services, commitment to academic excellence in print journalism and his positive impact on the Department of Communication and Media Studies, the College, and the Liberian society. He is highly respected for innovation in implementing educational standards and quality teaching at the university.
The late Wesseh was an alumnus of the University of Liberia and a part-time instructor in the Department of Communication and Media Studies (formerly Department of Mass Communication) where he earned BA degree in Communication in 2002 and a LLB degree in Law from the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, University of Liberia.
A veteran Liberian journalist, legal expert, and instructor of the Departments of English and Language Studies, Political Science, Communication and Media Studies, and Social Science, Cllr. Mark Bedor-Wla Freeman received Certificate recognized as the Most Versatile Faculty for the academic year 2022.
While another Liberian journalist and adjunct faculty in the Department of Communication and Media Studies, Mr. Danicius Kaihenheh Sengbeh received a Certificate of the Most Outstanding Faculty of Communication and Media Studies for the academic year 2022.
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