Five Die In Fire Incident

By: Perry B. Zordyu Email:

Five female occupants of a four-bedroom house in Caldwell, New Georgia lost their lives in a fire disaster late Sunday even when their house was gutted by a night fire at about 11:00 PM, according to eye witnesses.

The pathetic incident left community residents in tears as it was learnt that four of the victims were young girls and an old lady. Though the cause of the fire disaster is yet to be established, residents of the community said they saw the blazing fire on the house as the occupants scrambled to get out but to no avail.

Accordingly to an eye witness account, an entire family thatinclude the mother, daughters and niece along with two others reportedly died when the fire razed over the four bedroom house.

Speaking to eyes witnesses, some of whom were females said all five individuals who died were females especially a single family and two surviving boys.

Eyes witnesses on the scene told reporters that the fire was seriously huge and that it could not be put off so easily only with the means of the Liberia Fire Service which could not respond in time due to what they said lack of fire trucks. One respondent told this paper that when they contacted the Liberia NationalFire Service, they told them that their vehicle could not move.

Community dwellers and sympathizers could not withhold their tears seeing friends, relatives as well and loved ones being sorrowfully dragged to death before their very eyes. “This incident is so pathetic; the late Angel Togba’s mother was involved. A friend of mine who we all graduated last Friday was also part of this tragic fire incident,” one community residenttold reporters.

Though it is unclear as to what really caused the fire, what remains paramount is the sadness of those females who have lost their lives in such a terrible pathetic situation.

At the scene, you could smell smoke, ashes, death of five females and two boys who managed to escape the tragic fire incident.

Meanwhile, community dwellers are calling on the government to provide accessible fire service equipment in order to stop the reoccurrence.



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