Finance Ministry: Ngarfuan Returns To Finance Ministry

Liberia-If confirmed by the Liberian Senate, Augustine Kpehe Ngarfuan will return to the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning as Minister proper, the second time he would serve in the capacity.

His potential return follows President Boakai’s recent appointments in Government, in which he named Ngafuan who also served as Foreign Minister under former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

He was finance Minister from 2008 to 2012. He was replaced by Amara Konneh.

The President appointed people to the National Bureau of Veteran Affairs, Public Procurement & Concessions Commission (PPCC), National Commission on Disabilities (NCD), and the National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE).

At the Public Procurement & Concessions Commission (PPCC) Complaint Appeal & Review Panel, he appointed Cllr. Sundayway E. Nelson Amagashie, as Member, Cllr. Vincent Smith, as member, Cllr. Morris Davis, as member, Mr. Ezekiel F. Nyumah, as member, and Mr. Michael C.G. George, as member

At the National Commission on Disabilities (NCD), he named Ms. Winnifred Paye, Deputy Director for Administration, Mr. Charles Sayphan, Deputy Director for Technical Services, while he named National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE), Rev. Ben P. Cooper, Member, Board of Trustees, Prof. Nathaniel G. Gbessagee, Deputy Executive Director for Operations

President Boakai called on appointed officials of government to continue to demonstrate diligence, commitment, integrity, professionalism, and loyalty in service to country. 

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