EPA Holds Rehearsal Training for GreenHouse Gases’ Technicians

The Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia (EPA) on Wednesday, December 11, 2020 concluded a three-day National GreenHouse Gases   Inventories (GHGI) Training Rehearsal for relevant stakeholders from government and the private sector.

The three-day event held under the auspices of the Liberia Forest Sector Project (LFSP) was intended to assess the gaps in existing inventory preparation mechanism.

It also sought to evaluate experts and institutions on the GHGI process and data collection.

Held under the theme: ‘Building Capacities to Prepare National GHG Inventories in Liberia,’ the workshop was also intended to further undertake a hand on training on GHG inventory preparation using Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2006 guidelines and IPCC good practice guidance’s 2000 and 2003.

Elijah Z. Whapoe, focal point of the Liberia Forest Sector Project (LFSP) lauded the GHG experts for honoring invitation to attend the rehearsal training which according to him was necessary to build their capacities.

He is grateful that the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) Project implemented by Conservation International (CI) is also building the capacities of GHG’s experts in Liberia.

Mr. Whapoe stressed the need for further collaboration between the CBIT Project and LFSP for the incessant building of technicians’ capacities and skills.

He disclosed that the building of local GHG technicians’ skills will not only motivate them, but increased their appetite to go international.

Mr. Whapoe encouraged participants to pay keen attention so that they can benefit from the training.

According to a release from the EPA, the CBIT Project seeks to support, build and strengthen Liberia institutions’ capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Climate Agreement.

In 2003, Liberia became a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and is also signatory to the Paris Agreement, the release said.

Liberia has submitted its initial national communication to UNFCCC in 2013, in compliance with   the provisions of the Articles 4.1, 4.2, and 12 of the Convention. By being a Party to the PA, Liberia has declared its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and is currently updating the NDC which was aimed at reducing Liberia’s GHG emissions by 15% in 2030 with respect to the 2011 emissions.

As per the Article 13 of the Paris Agreement on enhanced transparency framework, Liberia like many other developing countries has to regularly communicate a national inventory report of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in its biennial report, subsequent Biennial Update Reports (BUR) every 2 years  and national communications every 4 years.

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