Denounce Violence and Embrace the Culture of Peace, Ambassador Juli Endee Encouraged Liberians

Ahead of Liberia’s 15th Peace Anniversary celebrations, the Executive Director of Liberia Crusaders For Peace Juli Endee has called on Liberians to embrace the culture of peace and denounce violence.

According to madam Endee Peace is a pivotal instrument of development and must be embraced by all Liberians.

Speaking to journalists ahead of the Kukatornon peace festival which will take place in Buchanan City Grand Bassa County the “LCP’ boss said it is about time that all Liberians build up the real and practical spirit of patriotism as well as nationalism for their mother land.

Despite current economic situation in the Country Ambassador Endee is of the conviction that the people of this nation are ready and prepare to sustain and maintain the peace evidence of the fifteen years of un-interrupted peace that they are now enjoying since the signing of the Accra Peace Accord in 2003 on August 18.

Peace she told reporters is not what people wish for rather what they say, do and demonstrate as such she used the occasion to urged residents across the fifteen political subdivisions of Liberia to now demonstrate a true degree of love for each other and Country as a whole which she added are driving forces to achieving genuine peace.

She commended president George Weah and former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for playing a key role to the current peace that the people of this land are enjoying.

As part of his immense contribution to Liberia’s peace process President George Weah during the official celebrations of the day will walk away with the “ICON-OF-PEACE-MEDAL AWARD.

Meanwhile activities leading to the celebrations of the Kukatornon peace festival is said to be well on course, noted Madam Endee.

On Wednesday a special thanksgiving service will be held at the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church on 14th Street in Sinkor as Rev. Christopher Toe, Secretary General of the Liberia Council of Churches will deliver a special message while the chief Imam of Liberia Imam Ali Krayee will conduct a special thanksgiving service for the Muslim Community at the Benson Street Central Mosque.

The historic fifteen years of uninterrupted peace in Liberia has superseded the dark fourteen years of armed conflict as such the culture Ambassador of Liberia encouraged all Liberians and residents of the land and beyond to on Saturday August 18, 2018 at twelve noon wave a white handkerchief, cloth or any other white object as a sign of embracing the culture of peace and saying no more to war.

She at the same time called on Liberians to turn out in their mass on Saturday August 18, 2018 in Buchanan City Grand Bassa County to attend the official ceremony where Dr. George Weah is expected to deliver a special peace message to the people of the land.

Additionally, Citizens and Women Groups from neighboring Sierra leone, Ivory Coast and Guinea including local women and youth groups in Liberia are expected to be in full attendance to grace the unique occasion.

It can be recall in 2003 in Accra Ghana women of this Country during the peace accord were instrumental to the current peace of this nation as August 18, 2018 will mark exactly fifteen years since that historic decision was made.



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