CRCA Constructs Faith- Based University

– With Conference Center 

Christian Revival Church Association (CRCA), based in Liberia is said to be making headway among churches in the country with evident of development initiatives undertaken by the church in the country.

The church is currently constructing its own university, River of Life University’. The construction of the church’s university is part of the church’s developmental strategy, aimed at addressing the needs of Liberia.

The university is being constructed    at the Jungle Farm Community, District Number One Margibi County.

Speaking with Rev. Dennis Aggrey, Mission Director at the ongoing-construction site of the university, Jungle Farm, on March 23, 2019, he stated that the construction of the university is part of the CRCA’s commitment to addressing the need of the Liberian people.

Rev. Aggrey noted that the church, since its establishment in Liberia, has been providing Liberia with spiritual food, empowerment programs, and capacity building.

According to him, following years of impacting almost every aspect of Liberia the church decided to have its own university established. He said the university, when completed, which will have a conference center that will accommodate over 700 persons.

Aggrey also mentioned that because of the lack of large space, Liberia most of the time loses the opportunity of hosting major international conferences, which could help empower the society financially.

On the other hand, the Mission Director noted that the CRCA is concerned about Liberia greatly not only spiritually but also helping to provide the needed solutions to issues confronting the wellbeing of the country.

He said a CRCA’s plan is underway by the CRCA to get the university operating   by 2020.

In furtherance to his explanation, Rev. Aggrey stated that the CRCA operates in seven counties in Liberia and its sub branches are currently    in three countries in West namely Guinea, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone.

When asked about the church’s financial backing, the Mission Director of the CRCA responded as saying that the construction of the university and other projects of the church are made possible thought the contribution of its members and donors.

He continues that the CRCA believes in changing lives thought the Gospel of Jesus Christ which leads to supporting the wellbeing of its members and Liberia at large.

Accordingly, CRCA is involved in construction of churches, schools, agricultural activities, training of pastors and teachers across the country.

On the other notes, about 57 members of the CRCA from Bomi County’s branch were over the weekend providing volunteer service for the construction of the church’s university.

Also commenting on recent media report about the CRCA in the country, the Mission Director intoned that CRCA is not deterred by media report but remains focused in the call of God to serving lives from hell.

He added that Jesus Christ faced falsehood from people that he did not deserve to be prosecuted by for nothing because of God’s glory.

Rev. Aggey also stated that despite of the recent unjust ruling of a guilty verdict for alleged simple assault coupled with media report of which he was jailed, he’s not deterred by such action on the part of the court and the   media institutions that published said information.


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