-Promises To Fully Support Him In December 8, 2020 Senatorial Elections

By Mark N. Mengonfia- mmenginfia@gmail.cim
Bong County was a scene of actions when Liberian Deputy Speaker, Prince K. Moye was endorsed by members of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) to unseat incumbent Senator Henry Yallah comes December 8, 2020 Senatorial Elections.
The endorsement program commenced with a grand parade which saw Deputy Speaker, Moye ridding on an open top white Jeep.
Dressed in a cream suit, white hat which carried his image, Deputy Speaker Moye waved a white handkerchief to the jubilant crowd that stood along the way as he and his supporters matched from Iron Gate to the Gbarnga Sports Stadium.
Liberty Party of Senator Nyonblee Kangar-Lawrence, the Alternative National Congress of Alexander Cummings, All Liberian Party of Benoni Urey, and former ruling Unity Party of Amb. Joseph N. Boakai graced the event at the weekend.
Speaking during the program held at the Gbarnga Stadium, Alternative National Congress political leader, Alexander B. Cummings said their presence in Bong and all of the support they are receiving from Liberians tells them that their efforts to ensure that President George Weah becomes a one term President will become a reality.
As Moye received his certificate thus getting the political blessing of the opposition collaborating Political Patties to serve as its candidate in the December 8 Senatorial polls, Cummings said, when Moye joins the likes of Senators Nyonblee Kangar Lawrence, Abraham Darius Dillon, and other forceful lawmakers at the Senate, the transformation they seek will be actualized.
Senators Nyonblee Kangar Lawrence of Grand Bassa and Abraham Darius Dillon of Montserrado Counties have received the endorsement of the CPP as Prince K. Moye, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives becoming the newest to join the number of lawmakers the CPP has given blessings to.
He indicated that the party will give all of its supports to the Deputy Speaker to ensure that he wins the current senatorial seat of the county.
At the weekend, Central Liberia, Bong County was politically charged as two sons of the County tested their political strength among their supporters.
“So, Prince on behalf of the CPP, we know you will win your seat here in Bong, we know your people will support you,” Mr. Cummings said.
He also said Bong County is one of the counties among many others they as CPP are very sure of winning.
“CPP is the best alternative in Liberia,” former Liberian Vice President Joseph Boakai said as the jubilant crowd of supporter yelled above their heads.
He said they have gone to celebrate a man he referred to as a man of integrity, those who have love for the county and is going to the Liberian Senate to help with the transformation process of the Senate.
Citizens Views:
Prince Moye is seeking to unseat seated Senator, Henry Yellah comes December 8, 2020, but citizens of the county have divided views as it relate to the elections.
Some citizens hold the view that Prince K. Moye has not completed the task given him for six years and wants to abandon it for another job.
Joseph Kollie said “I am supporting Henry Yallah because Moye told us that by-elections were not good for the county.”
This was in relations to Marvin Cole’s quest to contest as Senator barely a year as a representative.
But Kollie said if it was not good for Cole years ago, it should not be good for Moye this time.
James Kerkular is a motorcyclist like Joseph Kollie in his view, he said, “the election is between two persons in this county; Henry Yallah and Prince Moye, but mainly I am looking at Moye because the people of the county love him.
He went on to say that “the man has properties in the county; he has many more development in this county and has impacted young people of the area.”
He furthered “My brother even benefited from his scholarship program that is why I am supporting him.”
John Dolo who also uses his motorbike for commercial activities said “I think honorable Yallah because I do not want any by-election.”
According to Dolo, when Deputy Speaker Moye wins, his departure will create two by-elections one at the House of Representatives to replace him as Deputy Speaker and the second will be in the district, something he said will cause the country.
Citizens of Bong County over the weekend have two choices to make, either to go for Marvin Cole’s financial loan program or go for the endorsement of Prince Moye.
The early morning hours saw young and old, women, girls and boys trooping their ways to the financial loan program, but the story changed when Prince Moye and his supporters started their parade.
The crowd started leaving the loan program organized by Representative Cole and made their ways at the stadium where CPP officials were endorsing Rep. Moye’s senatorial bid.
Whatever way the citizens go, December 8, 2020 is the dead for those contesting to become senators.
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