‘Complete Evil’

-Rep Pelham-Youngblood Associates Reacts To Death News

Some associates of Montserrado County electoral district nine Representative Munah Pelham-Youngblood have termed as ‘complete evil’ widespread speculations that the lawmaker is dead.

Representative Munah Pelham-Youngblood

It was widely speculated last week that the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) stalwart was dead, something that sent shock waves across the country due to her vibrancy in legislative activities since her ascendancy to the post seven years ago.

Some supporters and friends of the lawmaker reportedly flooded her home in Sinkor seeking clarity from her mother and other relatives.

They were later informed that such information coming from the public was and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Sources close to the Montserrado County political guru confirmed that the passing of the lawmaker was completely fake, saying they are in constant communication with her in seeking medical attention.

Representative Pelham-Youngblood has reportedly been seeking medical attention in India, but news of her death was a shock.

Social media was flooded with news of the lawmaker’ death. It is also reported that office has said the fake news is a work of her detractors.

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