CNDRA Begins Inspection of Public Documents

For the first in the country over a decade, the Center for National Documents & Records Agency (CNDRA) or National Archives has commenced the inspection of public records and documents at various ministries, agencies and commissions of government.

flashback: officials of CNDRA Inspect records and documents

Making the disclosure to this paper, the agency’s Information Officer, Kaipee Luther Newray said the assessment which started on July 9, 2018 will continue up to July 13, 2018.

This, he said is aim at examining the status of public records to ensure proper preservation as good records management promotes good governance, transparency and accountability.

Institutions shortlisted for the exercise according to Newray include Commerce, Finance, Transport, Information, Labor, Internal Affairs, Health, Posts & Telecommunications ministries.

Others include the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS), Ministry of State, GSA, the 54th Legislature, University of Liberia, LACE, National Port Authority, LPRC, LEC, LRA, Ministry of Education, LBDI, Public Works, MCSS, LWSC, NASSCORP, LIBTELCO, LTA and the John F. Kennedy Medical Center respectively.

“Twenty-two CNDRA record inspectors recently trained in public records inspection and records management will be divided into two groups to conduct the intensive assessment. The teams will inspect appropriate documents, records, legislations, presidential proclamations, speeches, treaties, bilateral and mutual agreements among others kept over the last ten years,” Newray said.

Meanwhile, CNDRA is urging heads of those ministries, commissions and agencies to cooperate with the inspection teams during the exercise. The process is part of the agency’s statutory mandate.

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