GLAKORN BASSA- Citizens of compound number one and two in Grand Bassa County have pledged their support for president George Weah’s 2023 bid because they believe in his developmental programs.
At Compound number one, hundreds of citizens gave president Weah and entourage a rousing welcome.
For instance, the youth leader in one of the towns, said, “Mr. president we have seen your developments over the past years and we want you to do more for us. It was difficult to convince some of us who were in opposition, especially me, but today, I can say that you have shown that you are a man of development. We will support you in your next term.”
The chiefs and elders pledged their loyalty to him for his second term bid. “Mr. President, we have seen what you can do. WE have been following you all the time. For this reason, we stand ready to carry you come 2023,” the supreme Zoe said.
In the home of Representative Mary Karwor, the wife of Chief Zanza Kawor, the turn out was so huge that many people stood outside to listen while some struggled to get a glimpse of him.
They said, since the establishment of Liberia, no sitting president has ever visited that town and the presence of president meant a lot for them.
“This is the first time for a sitting president to come here. Mr. President, what we are seeing here today looks like a dream to us. We want to say, because the love you have for us and the level of developments you are carrying out in the country, we believe you are the best person and we will carry you come 2023,” Chief Gonwor said.
Due to the level of developments, they made available 150 acres of farm land to president Weah. “This land is here for you to come and do anything with it. We want you to come back here.”
The Supreme Zoe of the district Chief Edward Gbarmah said : “We were the doubters, but with time you have proven to be the right person,” Chief Gbarmah said.
For her part, Rep. Mary Karwor, said: “2023 is here, we don’t have anybody to support us. I do not care which party I belong to, I will support anyone who will help our people. And Mr. President, we are here for you. Even if I am in John Brown’s party and he is not doing anything for me, the one who is doing something for me is the person I will support.”
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