CDC Riot: Untrue, Thursday’s Riot Did Not Result Into Death

...-Investigation Reveals

JKF HOSPITAL-An investigation conducted by this paper has established that claims that one Prince  Zammie died due to Thursday’s rioting are untrue.

Our reporter who visited the John F. Kennedy Hospital said one of the protesters who was seen on social media and on various newspapers’ front pages appearing dead is still alive.

Our reporter said Prince is undergoing treatment at that government referral hospital.

In a brief conversation, Prince explained that he is a contractor who does construction work for people and companies.

He explained that he was not part of the protest, but when the women from Women in Peace Building attempted to intervene in the situation, he joined the crowd.

He indicated that when the stone-throwing started and the police fired teargas, he was victimized by the smoke and empty shells of the teargas.

Additionally, our reporter said while in the Trauma Wall at the JFK, the protester was taken for his X-ray.

It can be recalled that before Thursday’s protest came to an end, the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) Secretary General, Jefferson T. Koijee claimed that some of their partisans were killed while others were wounded.

Additionally, our reporter said  some protestors who were arrested have been charged and forwarded court.

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