Liberia-THAT LIBERIA IS A like a cursed child, as often said, is a dispirited expression about the continuous bemoaning, uncultured and uncharacteristic way the affairs of state are conducted by those opportune to provide needed socio-economic and political pathways, for which it is yet to reap the benefits of its natural endowments. Like a culture, leaders in time past and present have shown lackadaisicalness in ensuring that the national interest becomes an overwhelming priority than selves. Understandingly so, God, the ultimate creator of mankind, made open and laid the foundation for selfless leadership, as a way of encouraging us, his children, to set example and do same when called to leadership. Of course, it is not for leaders to walk down the streets and dish out money to citizens; it is not inviting citizens to their homes to have breakfast together, or it is not about ranting or speaking out when things go very ugly in your judgment. Though doing so wouldn’t be totally reproachable and condescending, but the open, transparent and accountable way of conducting state affairs is a most preferably consequential requirement.
HOWEVER, SUCH DEPORTMENT OF accountability and transparency, which is welcoming, becomes far more demanding in certain capacities, and in this case, the members of the national legislature, who came to power on account of citizens’ trust and confidence. Simply put, the outcome of the investigation into alterations of the approved national budget is not only surprising, but has the potential to deepen negative public aspersion about lawmakers’ handling of state affairs and also cast a very thick dark cloud on a country so frantically endeavoring to remake its blurred national and international image of being an epicenter of all the bad dealings. The idea or the singular most decision to order a probe in such a scandal is no way an easy undertaking, because it shows willingness to clean the system, whether lawmakers were behind it or not.
IN THE SAME MEASURE, it is far more concerning that the exercise of finding out who might have ‘put his hands in the cookies jar’ was taken over by the very institution known for elitism, friendship, protectionism and fidelity – meaning that it would be an illusion and matter of fantasy for anyone to believe the outcome would be so pointing and directional. No matter how it is framed, altering an approved public configuration of such magnitude such as the budget is nothing less than an actionable act that should have been given utmost attention and priority. To the extent where lawmakers themselves selected to conduct the investigation, considering the intricacies and assorted attachments, only undermines their well-intentioned intentions, if there were any, and specifically presents it as a smokescreen. This is not the accountability and transparency so eloquently preached when such an honorable institution of pride and fame will come faltering.
WHAT MAKES IT MORE bamboozling is the fact the both Houses of the Legislature went their separate ways in investigating the matter – meaning that each of them had its own setup, its own investigative body – instead of forming a uniformed body, a crack team of no-nonsense lawmakers who do not shy away from digging out the real facts. This does not suggest that those who oversaw the process lack manners or credibility, but best practice would demand otherwise. In our widest mind, a natural body of investigative experts comprising fraud and criminal examiners would have done a very pretty job, in terms of getting to the nitty-gritty of identifying the real doers of the act, than to have a hanging in a way it creates overarching anxiety and suspicion, including discrediting it. Truth be told, Liberians are interested in knowing how and why the alteration was done. Lest lawmakers, both Senators and Representatives, forget that they have greater responsibility to nation and its people, than they have it to themselves. This is so because being elected as senator or representative to seek the welfare of the people who constitute the nation.
ON THIS ONE AGAIN, we resolutely believe that the National Legislature has failed to redeem itself from such a troubling and degrading nightmare – the first of its kind that an approved national budget is being altered by “ghosts.” We must say that just as President Boakai has a role to play in making Liberia a better place, and to make name for himself, so are Speaker J. Fornatti Koffa and Pro Tempore, Nyoblee Karnga-Lawrence. They too carry the same measure of responsibilities. What happened under their leadership – altering the budget, not under a regime plastered as the most corrupt – is an undeniable crime of national ignominy that needed the best of their judgment and decision-making ability. Not doing so for reasons unknown is a huge minus in their individual political lives, and also leaves room for endless embarrassment. Calling names and shaming the doers would have been better than calling for reforms in the budgeting process, though not bad to do so because something has to give rise to a more positive action.
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