-Over Trucking Amidst Voter Roll Update

By Lawrence T Hoff
Debate surrounding the age-old electoral nightmare also known as “trucking” has resurfaced this time with pressure in Liberia Western Region, Bomi County.
Trucking is a Political strategy applied by Aspirants participating in an election to transport huge number of people to a specific locality in their interest for votes; and it comes with burdensome financial responsibilities just to abuse the Constitutional Rights of Citizens through Commercial means.
Article 1 of the 1986 Liberian Constitution states “All power is inherent in the people. All free governments are instituted by their authority and for their benefit and they have the right to alter and reform the same when their safety and happiness so require. In order to ensure democratic government which responds to the wishes of the governed, the people shall have the right at such period, and in such manner as provided for under this Constitution, to cause their public servants to leave office and to fill vacancies by regular elections and appointments”.
The debate has resulted to finger pointing approach amongst major Contenders in the County Midterm Senatorial Election including Ex-Speaker Alex Jeneka Tyler, Current Rep. Edwin Melvin Snowe and the Incumbent Sando Darzoe Johnson.
Rep. Snowe, on Spoon FM/TV; accused the Political Leader of the Liberia People Democratic Party Tyler of transporting hundreds of individuals from Tyler’s Marshall, Margibi Residence to Bomi County via the NTA Buses where he is seeking election for the Senate after serving as Speaker and Representative of Bomi.
Snowe, like any Politician; was heard loud on the Media platform during the night production condemning such situation he branded as “Violation” of the protocol or Law; but it shocked the Senjeh Lawmaker when Incumbent Senator Sando Darzoe Johnson said “Snowe should not pretend, he’s deeply involved as well”.
Sen. Johnson alleged that both Ex-Speakers must wear the “Name and Shame” garment for proceeding unlawfully just three Months away from Dec. 8, 2020 Electoral date along with the Referendum.
“Snowe started this in 2017 when he left Montserrado District Six to contest the Lower seat in Bomi; a practice that must be condemned by everyone”; a point the Senator assured legal step against the accused.
The tough exchanges on the Media have germinated mix reactions in the County particularly Tubmanberg; where citizens have begun raising concerns about the guarantee and security nature of the Election conduct under the watch of Magistrate Luther Dean.
But Rep. Edwin Melvin Snowe trashed such grave spilled out by his rival, stating further “anyone caught on my Farm beyond the twenty workers residing there; should be arrested by any Citizen”.
Following question from the Journalist, the former Montserrado Lawmaker availed himself for Electoral punishment by NEC when found guilty after investigation, adding “I don’t want to give credence to such allegation much”.
While the allegation takes the center stage of the Bomi Electoral politics, more than one NTA Bus arrived around 12 Midnight on the Main Street of Tubmanberg in front of the “Planet 44 Business Center” with passengers being dominated by Young people.
The Passengers who boarded the Buses where seen and heard chanting Slogan “One shot for the NTA Drivers” as they danced to Mix of African songs where drinks were served.
All these are occurring just less than 24 hours when the National Elections Commission Magistrate, Luther Dean confirmed at an ongoing NEC-Media training in Tubmanberg that “Trucking” is ongoing, but his Office cannot validate or clearly state the brain behind such unlawful Act.
“We have seen NTA Buses trucking people recently, but we cannot confirmed who are those behind such”; thus warning Local Media to avoid blaming the Commission for the ongoing situation, instead reach out to the Commission to provide clear information.
Meanwhile, the trending matter; if not control appropriately, could result into the Grand Cape Mount County replay where individuals including Journalist Omaska Jallah sustained injury after being brutalized while covering similar situation of Trucking.
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