Baptists End 102nd Bi-Annual Section In Gbarnga

-Call On Believers To Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness

By Esau J. Farr

The Association Regular Soul Winning Baptist Churches of Liberia has ended a week long Bi-Annual Conference in Gbarnga, Bong County.

flashback: Baptists in conference

The conference which was held under the theme: “Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness” with text taken from Matthew 5:6 was held with the Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Plum Valley Community in Gbarnga, Bong County and brought together more than seven hundred delegates from its local churches.

Delegates for the conference were drawn from Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Bassa, River Cess, Bong and Nimba Counties amongst others.

The Soul Winning Baptist Conference is made of fundamental Baptist churches in Liberia with a mission to win lost souls at all cost unto Jesus Christ, the driver of the Christian faith.

It was established more than five and half decades ago with the sole purpose of evangelizing the central region of Liberia with Baptist doctrine (teaching) of sound biblical teaching and interpretation while helping others to know the saving knowledge of God Almighty for themselves.

The theme and text of the conference was chosen to encourage believers and backsliders to stand firm in tedious times of their Christian sojourn to defeat the Devil in any given situation, trials and temptations for the purpose of the Good News of the soon coming Savior of the world.

Speaking to the President of the Conference, John F. Tuankan, via mobile phone, he described the 102nd Bi-Annual Conference of the association as successful and stronger than ever before.

The New Life Baptist Senior Pastor told this paper that he will not rest until his vision and mission for the conference is achieved through the help of God.

“All I can say is that the conference was successful and that we as a body of Christ Jesus our Savior are stronger together than ever before. Because of this, we as leaders of the conference will not rest until our vision (where we want to see the conference better) and mission of the conference is achieved or realized,” Pastor Tuankan said in a brief.

He described this year’s attendance of the conference as encouraging and urged delegates to always honor the citation of the conference by attending future conferences saying that he was very impressed by the efforts and sacrifices of conference delegates especially in a highly challenging economic period in the history of the country.

“Let me use this time to appreciate the efforts of our people (conference delegates) who are always making the outmost sacrifices in ensuring that they honor our invitations to them to attend the various Bi-annual sections of our conference; without their efforts and presence, we will not be where we are today.

Are we satisfied with our current status or achievements? I will say no, but we are sure with the help of God, we are heading somewhere better than where we are,” President Tuankan stated.

He also used the opportunity and thanked executives of the GARBC Conference and some pastors in the USA for their continual supports to the conference in Liberia.

He was making material and cash donations to the church by their counterparts in the Americas.


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