MONROVIA-ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML) has confirmed that on 28 July 2023, its Tokadeh Mines were attacked by a group of unknown individuals bearing arms and machetes.
In a release, AML says it regrets to report that one of its employees was shot and wounded. Their condition remains stable, and they will continue to be closely monitored by the company’s doctors.
According to AML, the gang also ransacked and damaged valuable mining assets including vehicles and other equipment. The police were called and responded swiftly to the attack and restored calm to the Mines.
The release noted that AML has contacted the Justice Ministry and Ministry of Defense for a full investigation into the attack on its operations and the prosecution of those involved.
AML furthered that it strongly condemns violence of any kind to its staff members and will continue to work to ensure the safety and well-being of its employees remain its top priority.
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