AFBA Commits To War Crime Tribunal In Liberia

The African Bar Association (AFBA)is calling on the government of President George Weah to liaise with the appropriate international, continental, and regional bodies to set up the appropriate tribunal to look into cases of all those who murdered innocent people and plundered theland.

To ensure this work, the AFBA through its President Hannibal Uwaifo, expressed the association’s commitment to helping government with the establishment and functioning of said tribunal.

“The AFBA has respected members as judges, lawyers, and experts in all fields and is available to help the republic of Liberia in this direction,” Uwaifo mentioned.

He said while they are glad to know that some actors in the brutal armed conflict that led to the death of thousands Liberians have been brought to justice, there are others that have not.

Uwaifo emphasized the need for all actors of the brutal civil war in Liberia to face justice in a transparent and recognized legal and judicial process something he believes is the only way to rest the past and face the future.  

Accordingly, AFBA President condemned all acts of terror especially against women and children and the venerable.

For all those who plunged their countries into horrific chaos due to economic greed and hunger for political power, the AFBA calls on governments to bring all the actors to account for their deeds.

“While many parts of the continent are currentlyexperiencing peace, others are fighting terrorism or armed conflict of a severe nature.”

Also remaking at the event, LNBA President Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe thanked the governing council of the AFBA for choosingLiberia, the oldest Republic of Africa as a venue of this very important annual gathering of jurists.

“We have not the least iota of doubt that the annual conference and the training section will be resoundingly successful and both the LNBA and AFBA Will keep a cherished memory of the planned deliberations forever,” Cllr. Gongloe said

As the role of the legal profession in the attainment, maintenance and sustenance of peace, democracy, good governance, as well as sustained economic growth and development cannot be over-emphasized, Cllr. Gongloe admonished lawyers to remain ever determined and stimulated by a high degree of optimism to make the continent a cherished home for allAfricans.

He wants them make the continent an attractive place for the rest of the world, through strengthening the rule of law in every imaginable way for the transformation of the continent.

Subsequently, over three hundreds legal practitioners gathered on October 21, 2019 at the Ministerial Complex in Congo Town to commemorate the 2019 annual conference and training session of the African Bar Association (AFBA).

The four days event is being held under the theme: “Tackling contemporary issues facing African continent and how lawyers can drive the new renascence of the legal system.”

Since the Liberian National Bar Association formation in 1907, this is the first time the LNBA is hosting such international event for the sharing of knowledge of the law on very important issues facing the African continent.

Formed in 1971, as the “fearless voice of the legal profession,” the African bar association has played her role creditably in defense of the legal profession, continental legal emancipation and fostering of fraternity y across the different borders within the continent. TNR




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