MONROVIA-Following the well-attended “President Weah Thank You” program which brought together thousands of partisans, sympathizers as well as well-wishers of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), President George M. Weah in return, has appreciated his thousands of supporters in a special note of appreciation.
In his thanks and appreciation note released yesterday in Monrovia, the Liberian leader assured his thousands of partisans and supporters of his unwavering commitment to carry on with programs and policies that specifically target the young people and members of their demographic.
President Weah in his thank you noted pointed out,” Let me assure you of my unwavering commitment to carry on with programs and policies that specifically target you and members of your demographic. We shall not let you down! We are fully cognizant of the constant struggle the Liberian youth have faced for generations. That is why we are uniquely tailoring our development efforts to improve your lives.”
The Liberian leader furthered, “I also want to thank the parents of many of the young first-time voters who turned out yesterday for allowing them to exercise their constitutional rights in support of our vision.”
“To every Liberian, irrespective of political affiliation, gender, age, or social status, who also conveyed their thanks through various mediums, we are equally thankful and promise to continue to labor on your behalf,” President Weah in a joyous mood noted..
Like I have stated, the Coalition for Democratic Change extends its arms to everyone – old as well as new members. Let us all go get this victory together.
Weah noted, “I wish to convey my utmost thanks and appreciation to the thousands of Liberians who turned out yesterday in a massive show of support for the work that we continue to do on their behalf.”
He added, “I am particularly thankful to the multitude of young people, including First Time Voters, our various auxiliary groups, all Cedecians, Weahcians and all Liberians who gathered in spite of the rain to demonstrate their love and appreciation for all that we have done and continue to do for them.”
On Monday, thousands of partisans, sympathizers as well as well-wishers gathered at the headquarters of the CDC to appreciate President Weah for what they considered as his developmental initiatives throughout the country.
During the program, partisans of the CDC lauded the President for the level of striving he has made since his ascendency as President of Liberia. they praised the Liberian leader and assured him of a second presidential tern.
At the ceremony, President Weah rallied aggrieved or disenchanted partisans of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) to return to the party and be respected once again at home. Weah acknowledged that there are some of his supporters that have left the party for other reasons. The Liberian leader used the occasion to extend an olive branch to aggrieved partisans who have backslides due to differences to return to their party in spite of the circumstances.
He said, “In this public manner, I am extending an open invitation to all former members of the CDC who have left the party for any reason whatsoever to come back home to your family, where you once belonged.”
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