MONROVIA-The political leader of the Movement for  Democracy and Reconstruction  has  heaped  praises on president George Weah saying  he is a good man, but the opposition politicians in the country are  responsible for  negative reports.

He made the call  over the weekend in response to series of allegations of killings in the country.

“George Weah is a good man. That boy is good but  the opposition people  in this country are just bent on spreading lies  all over the  place. But they get it wrong. This boy will go back in  2023,” he said.

According to him, the president  has  been able to ensure  the provision of street lights in many parts of the country, payment of WASE fees, free tuition  to  students at the university of Liberia, construction of market buildings in many places among others.

“As old as this country is,  many leaders have come and gone and could not do what this young  boy is doing. It is all shame that is making them to speak. But they will still long in it. As far as I know, my son will go back, come 2023, because the opposition politicians  do not have this country at heart.

“Many of them are just sitting to come and steal and run with money to America. But they get it wrong my child. Let them wait after his two terms; then they can come in. As for Oldman Boakai,  many of the politicians want to ride behind his back. At least Alexander Cummings is young and has age in his favor.”

He  called on them to speak the truth about the  country because it is the  same country,  when they are elected in the future,  will govern.

Honorable Johnson  is  Senator for vote-rich Nimba County.  During the regime of  former  president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, he had confrontation  with her after  his bid to represent  the UP in 2005   did not work . He broke away and formed his own party- NUDP-National Union for  Democratic  Party. Again, in 2011, he formed the MDR due to what he said was  hijacked by some of his own followers.

Honor Johnson said  he will  carry out double  campaign  in 2023: “I will campaign for myself  and at the sometime campaign for my son. I will ensure that he is re-elected come 2023.”

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