MONROVIA-President George M. Weah has announced plans that will protect and safe Sinoe County and West Point from sea erosion.
President Weah said, the government under his leadership is embarking on a project he calls “The Monrovia Metropolitan Climate Resilient Project.”
The Liberian leader said the project will cost US$25 Million, and US$17.2 Million for West Point and the funding is coming from a grant from the Green Climate Fund.
He made the statement on Wednesday at the ministerial complex at the two days event being conducted under the theme, “Ecosystem Restoration: A Pathway towards a Greener and Sustainable Environment.”
He added that they have secured another grant of US$10 Million which has been approved for a similar project in Greenville, Sinoe County.
The total of US$52.2 million will be placed in the direction of saving the two places.
He said, both projects are similar to what was done around the D. Tweah High School and the Redemption Hospital recently.
The Liberian leader committed the government of Liberia to upholding the Paris Agreement which was sighed 2015 and ratified in 2018.
The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016.
According to him, considering the critical importance of climate change and the role Liberia has always played in fostering international collaboration and cooperation, he gives such matter his fullest support under his Legislative program.
“Let me congratulate the 54th Legislature for their strong support in this regard” President Weah said.
It is in this light that I am pleased to inform this Conference that my Administration remains committed to all of the multilateral environment agreements that Liberia has signed to date, including the Paris Accord, and all other protocols on climate change and the environment,” he said.
President Weah was pleased that the Americans have returned to the Paris Agreement, adding, “Ambassador McCarthy, kindly convey our sincere thanks and appreciation to your Government for re-joining the Paris Climate Accord.
“The return of the United States and its global leadership to this important forum will restore hope to the international community, especially the developing countries in Africa, and the Small Island Developing States,” he added.
The Liberian leader thanked the Management and Staff of the Environmental Protection Agency for the work that they do in the interest of our Environment, and admonish them to continue to doing so for the good of Liberia as a Country.
“On my part, I pledge my fullest support, and that of my Government, to the EPA in the faithful
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