MONROVIA-Held on Friday, October 29th, it was a crucial moment for global action. The UK-Liberia Chamber of Commerce continues to reinforce the ongoing conversation on COP26 – UN Climate Change Conference currently taking place in Glasgow.
The Director of Communication & External Affairs, UK-Liberia Chamber of Commerce – Wofai Samuel, stated that; ”there is extreme urgency to step up the global response in addressing climate emergencies and underline the need for a just and fair climate transition across the United Kingdom and Liberia, adding that, the conference provides an opportunity, to inform UK and Liberian audience, of Liberia’s national policy framework, and mechanisms employed, to promote a beneficial climate for all, whilst reminding the international community about their commitments and need to accelerate actions, towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
A summary on the successes recorded, and current state of implementation, in curbing Climate Change in the UK, who positions herself as a leader among the G20, in climate change policies was brought to the fore by The Associate (ESG & Climate Change), Herbert Smith Freehills, United Kingdom – Jannis Bille.
Jannis added that, The UK has taken a leadership position in relation to climate change. ”In 2002, The UK
put a price on carbon, which translated into the European emission trading system, implemented a few years later.
The UK has driven the deployment of renewable energy sources in wind quite drastically over the past decades, more countries are taking up renewable energy opportunities and especially with China investing heavily in the sector”.
The ESG Director & Investment Banking Associate, Stronghold Global Finance, London – Katerina Avramopoulou, stated that;
”Liberia faces existing environmental issues and sustainable development challenges, so with the right economic incentives and the inclusion of the of knowledge of the local communities, energy transition will not feel as much of a burden but as an opportunity, that is where the balance should be achieved and I believe it is very important, to raise climate awareness to these communities and engage them in program century transitions, from extractive models to to cleaner solutions.
This transition could be achieved, when fossil fuel extraction sites onboard some clean technologies, for example; pv panels, and educate their local workers, so they can develop their own clean energy projects independently, that’s something that we have seen at Stronghold, working in other countries”.
The Executive Director, Nature Compact Liberia. Borwen Sayon noted that; ”The Nature Compact, is working on the implementation of climate smart technical interventions to ensure that Liberia’s forests are protected, by integrating Environmental Compliance Responsibilities.TNC is also providing technical advice to Liberia’s Private sector stakeholders, to finalize key frameworks for the Oil palm Industry, to ensure that national climate change response and outcomes are mainstreamed.
This will in-turn reduce deforestation”. ”Inspiring UK & Liberian communities to have sustainability plans, we are passionate about unlocking climate related investments in emerging markets. Together, we support businesses in responding to the challenges of climate change, and work with them towards the goals of Paris Agreement and the UN Framework convention on Climate Change”, Wofai Samuel concluded, with the Climate Change Lead, for UK-Liberia Chamber of Commerce, Grace George.
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