ROBERT SPORTS—President George M. Weah has told citizens of citizens of   Grand Cape Mount County that his government   has one message for them and that is the development of their county

He made the statement on Saturday, March 27, 2021 in Robertsport, the provincial capital city of Cape Mount County.

“Our message is development.  We are not here for play. I have always been honest with you. And I will be honest with. We are here to let you know that we are developing our country. Anything that is missing here and you do not have, let us know. But do not tell me things you have.”

He frowned on government officials from the county, who he said, were not informing their citizens of the level of developments the CDC led government is undertaking.

In addition, he expressed disappointment over the under development in the Cape Mount County capital.

“Look here, they get men and women from Robert Sports. If I give you the list of people from here, you will know. They are very resourceful.  If Robertsport look like this, you will not blame the president or anyone, but your officials,” he said.

He added; “Because all of them have the   capacities and capabilities to work on the improvement of your county. You need to have meeting with your lawmakers and tell them so that we can move forward.”

According to him, he was disappointed when he arrived in Robertsport. “When I entered Robertsport, the famous Robertsport, that I heard about when I was young, I could not believe it.”

He said, there have been several citizens   who have served in government from Cape Mount over decades.   “There have been people from here in government, from time to time.  There were men in government.  To see Roberts port like this, with all the great leaders you have, you need to rethink.  Everything is not about me, the lawmakers also have some more to do for you elected them to seek your interest not only their own   adding

“Work with your lawmakers, sit on the round table and discuss issues that will help move the County forward”, he admonished the citizens of the Grand Cape Mount County.

President George Weah noted that if lawmakers from Cape Mount County were to decide on projects annually, they would be able to develop   the county now.

“Before we do anything, we have to go to Legislators to seek their approval. So, for Legislators to stand here and say these things, you need to be serious. They are the main people that can make things to   work,” he said in reference to the approving power by lawmakers.

“There is an ongoing county development fund. We have to go to the drawing board.  If all the officials in parliament decide that every year, they will do one thing, before that nine years over, this county will be developed. Do you want to tell me that no official can put solar panel light here in Robertsport?” he asked provocatively.




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